Monday, December 23, 2019

What Dignity Is There As A Corpse

What Dignity Is There As A Corpse

What dignity is there as a corpse
Lying dead, inert and utterly helpless
Rotting and smelling by the seconds

What dignity is there
If people say you were
A good person

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Decay, Old Age, Death, Accidents And Diseases Are Indignities And Insults.....Ultimately, Humanity Have To Transcend All The Nonsense.....

Decay, old age, death, accidents and diseases are indignities and insults inflicted on humanity that speaks to the discredit of the creator.

If a creator exists.

Or shall we say that speaks to the discredit of egregious evolution or what have you.

Ultimately, humanity have to transcend all the nonsense and claim life for itself and only allow for emotional pain to add dimension.

But not decay, old age, death, accidents and diseases. 

For those are indignities and insults and the enemies of life.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Ah, If Only A Day Is Eternity! And Eternity Is Now

24 hours day is too short a time for doing anything. 

We spend 8 hours or so sleeping. 

Another 8 hours or so slaving at the office, factory floor or wherever we slog to put food on the table.
Maybe another an hour or two cooking or looking for food, answering nature's call and cleaning up.

Maybe a half hour quarrelling with spouse or partner or reprimanding the children and generally worrying about a thousand and one things.

Monday, April 8, 2019

They Say God Said, So I Believe

They say
God said
God is ever loving

They say 
God said
If you commit adultery
Or carnal sex
You deserve to be
So I
B'cos I
Don't Know

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Feeling So Alone

 Feeling so alone

Pic By Ordinary Malaysian

Feeling so alone
I need someone by my side
Affirmative, nourishing
A steadfast spiritual companion,
In the journey of life