Thursday, April 29, 2021

Rain, Rain, Come Again, Everyday

Rain, Rain, Come Again, Everyday

Looking out the window

At the rain spattering

and wetting the tarmac,

Adding a glow to it

Listening to the rain drops

striking a symphony

on the awning

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Alone, I Am

Alone, I Am

A Sudden Burst Of Lightning
In The Sky
Pic By Ordinary Malaysian

The night 

is deep

Quiet has 

long settled

Only the distant 

sound of traffic

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Ah, The Day, The Day Humanity Mastered Reality And Transcend

Ah, The Day, The Day Humanity Mastered Reality And Transcend

Heaven is earth

Earth is heaven

Reality is whole

It is not dual

Though a thing may either

be a wave or a particle

Reality is always one 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Egrets Fly Across The Sky, Another Day Begins, What Will It Bring?

Egrets Fly Across The Sky, Another Day Begins, What Will It Bring?

Egrets fly across the sky

The smell of jasmine wafts

Awakening the senses

Crickets retreat

Nascent stirrings

From forgotten dreams

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Why Cry For Argentina

 Why Cry For Argentina

Why cry for Argentina

So far away

Beyond reach

That life has snatched

A memory writ

Saturday, April 10, 2021

What Can I Say?

What Can I Say?

12.28 am


cats and dogs

A welcome change,

from the oven heat 

of the past month

or so

Now with the

descending cool,

and quiet

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Does It Matter At All


Does It Matter At All

It had not rained

for a month or two

Oven was how it felt

Today, the sky opened

Like a miser though

Still, the relief

is welcome