Listening to 往事只能回味 wangshi zhineng huiwei (the past can only be remembered)
I'm wondering if time waits, ever
Or are we trapped in the past
Listening to 往事只能回味 wangshi zhineng huiwei (the past can only be remembered)
I'm wondering if time waits, ever
In the deep of the night,
as I listen to the rhythm of the rain
Staring into her eyes,
my heart stops for a moment
I Was There And Yet I Wasn't
I was there and yet I wasn't
In the flash of the moment transient
Things are and yet not
I Sit Alone In The Quiet Of The Night, Wondering, Wondering...
I sit alone in the quiet of the night
With the symphony of cicadas outside
The tik tik tik of gentle rain on awning besides