Sunday, October 31, 2021

If Only The Past Is The Present And The Present Is The Past All Is Comprehended

 If Only The Past Is The Present And The Present Is The Past All Is Comprehended


With the wind

blowing in my face

And the hint of

rain in the air

The nascent night


Memories of

times past

play around

in my mind

Oh! If only

If only!

The past

is the present

And the present

is the past

Time matters not

NOW is all 

that matters

And all

is comprehended

The good

and the bad

The joyful and the

not so joyful

The dreams

and the nightmares

The love 

and the not

And all the

other things

Oh! If only

If only!

The past

is the present

And the present

is the past!

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