Have You Ever Thought? (Part 2)
Have you ever thought
That the body is so
badly put together
that, if you were
its creator,
you would feel
such a failure
and ashamed?
Have You Ever Thought? (Part 2)
Have you ever thought
That the body is so
badly put together
that, if you were
its creator,
you would feel
such a failure
and ashamed?
What Would You Do If You See Your Child Being Raped? What Would God Do?
If you see your child being raped
What would you do?
You would do everything to stop it
Even to scarifice your life
Because you love your child
But you are not all powerful
Yet you would do all you can,
and more
Letting The Moment Be
Rain has abated
It's cool outside
Quiet has settled
What Is Religion?
Religion is faith
In what was said
By someone
At sometime
People then
Made a whole
Of rituals,
Out of it
And set up
To gather
And practise
Their worship
What was said
By someone
At some time
Is what
Is called
In a court of law,
Hearsay is
As evidence
In the house of religion,
It is considered
Taken as a given,
A truth,
Ah, religion!
The beauty,
And simplicity
Of faith!
Ah, ah, ah!
The Human Body : What The Heck!
The human body
Protoplasm wrapped
Around a naked frame
Fragile as a twig
A sad tale of creation
Or the fool of evolution
An indictment writ large
The human body
What the heck!
Truth opaque
I Remember
I remember
That as a kid
I was burying my toy bus
In the sand
Just outside our front door
I wonder what has happened to it now
Of course, it has long rusted away
But I can still remember
The exact spot it was buried
Where a restaurant now stands
I remember
That as a toddler in the cot
Looking up at the smiling faces
Looking down at me
I felt somewhat overwhelmed
Because to a toddler
Everything looked disproportionate
I remember
That as a child
Coming home from grandma's place
My mother holding my hand
My elder sister walking somewhat ahead
I felt safe and comforted
Though it was getting dark
And the road was not well lighted
Late in the evening
I remember
My Heart Aches For Humanity, My Heart Aches For Myself
My heart aches for humanity
My heart aches for myself
Lost and helpless
Not knowing what life is all about
Searching for a meaning
Searching for a purpose
Some clinging to a religion, creeds or beliefs
For any semblance of comfort and reassurance
All beating around the bush
Never quite sure what
Struggling to keep mind, body
and soul together
In this mundane life
Pretending that life and death
Are what they are
All that we see
Yet wishing they are not
Is there a future beyond death?
Is there even a beginning in the past?
What the heck,
Religions, creeds and beliefs are no more
than human constructs
To cope with our helplessness
Our ignorance
And therefore,
Never the answer
Only the questions
Futile and naked
My heart aches for humanity
My heart aches for myself
The Sweet Smell Of Nature
Pic By Ordinary Malaysian
Grounded In The Moment, I Am Just A Happy Witness
Standing at the window
With the fresh smell of after rain
Lingering in the air
And the sweet fragrance of nature
for company
The songs of crickets
And familar hummimg of ACs
To break the quiet
of deep night
Grounded in the moment
I am just a happy witness
One Man's Memory Of An Experience
I lie in a corpse position
Insensitive to the surroundings
A blank look into empty space
The total silence of a grave
A sudden awakening of the spirit
Followed by complete detachment
from the body
A strange feeling of lightness
Unparalleled to any thing experienced
No love, no hate, no expression
Yet amazingly beautiful
I Sit In Semi-Lotus, At Peace With Myself, A Smile On My Face And Love In My Heart
Waves of thunder rumble across the dark sky
Angry lightnings flash their presence
Rain pounding hard on the awning
I sit in semi-lotus
Absorbing the celestial drama
At peace with myself
A smile on my face
And love in my heart
My Heart Aches For The Day......
My heart aches
For the day
Humanity transcends
Its limitations
And frailties
No more pain
Nor old age
And death
Without fear
Nor lack
Only living
With joy
In the heart
And love
for all
The only concession
Emotional pain
To add dimension
And meaning
To life
My heart aches
For the day
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A Storm Threatens Pic By Ordinary Malaysia |
The sky is overcast
The winds howl
A storm threatens
Quiet has long settled
People are all asleep
I am all alone
In the darkness,
For the storm to break
The heavens to open
And poor its blessings
In a spectacular display
Of thunder, lightnings and rain
The celestial drama,
That cleans and uplifts -
The spirit
I Smile At The Soulmate Beside
Looking out the window
of my workstation
When the night
has settled
And quiet descended
Feeling the caress
of the cool breeze
on my face
With soothing guzheng music
playing in the background
I am back in
an ancient era
Sitting by the brook
Gurgling it way down
the valley
Looking up the heavens
With the moon smiling down on me
And the fragrance
of the plants
and flowers
I smile,
at the soulmate
Has The Bible Been Distorted?
This Pas holy man say yes and he is not going to apologise because he says he is right.
Christians are of course offended.
I am not a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddhist or a Taoist or whatever.
I am just - I.
I care only that we are all human beings, hopefully.
We talk too much sometimes, and we pontificate even more.
All because we feel entitled, anointed.
We speak for the divine, as if the divine cannot speak for itself.
We believe and we divide.
Do you believe in electricity?
That's silly, you say, to even ask such a question!
You don't have to believe in electriicty because you KNOW it for a fact.
You believe only why you DON'T know.
When you know, you don't have to believe.
The same with the divine, no?
If you know the divine, you don't have to believe in the divine.
You know the divine for a fact.
Belief is for those who don't know, who aren't sure.
Same like faith?
Don't know!
You tell me!
I am ignorant.
I don't know.
So I believe!
Unless We Transcend The Body's Limitations
Unless we transcend the body's limitations
We are but a passing speck in existence
Insignificant and dispensable
And an insult
Subject to death
from disease, sickness, decay
accident or old age
Struggling to keep mind and body together
Fighting for our lives
In a world of madness and mayhem
Calling the little marble
we live in home
The earth, if you must,
is only another speck
In the vastness of things
Across the galaxies
Dwarfed by the universe
in which it situates
And a joke across
the universes
And eternity
Unless we transcend the
limitations of the body
And comprehend
Eternity itself
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The gurgle of water in a brook Pic By Ordinary Malaysian |
The Best Things In Life Are Free
The best things
In life are free
Midnight, With The Crickets Silenced, I Wait For My Soulmate
With the crickets silenced
I wait for my soulmate
So far away
Like a dream
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Will The Moon Shine Or Will The Moon Cry Pic by Ordinary Malaysian |
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The road is empty of vehicles and the shops are closed Pic by Ordinary Malaysian |
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The Heavens? Pic By Ordinary Malaysian |